
Marketing Your Virtual Art Gallery Online

Marketing can be a daunting task for galleries looking to create a virtual space to showcase their art to an online audience.

So we have come up with a few digital marketing tips to help galleries and artists make sure their exhibits and work are seen in a competitive market, maximising visitors and building an identity to their creations, marketing your virtual art galleries effectively.

Tips and strategies

1.  Storytelling.

The audience is always drawn to the artist, looking to discover the artist’s world and get closer to the inspiration behind the artwork, which becomes even more important in the online space. Using your online presence to portray a story behind the visual space and artwork will help viewers understand you and the artists better. Telling your story will not only interest your current audience but also attract newcomers worldwide wanting to know more about you.

2. Think outside the box.

In today’s world, virtual galleries are becoming the norm, and it is important to stand out among other galleries. Brainstorm ideas that will make your gallery stand out from the crowd. Whether it’s speaker notes playing as audio in the virtual rooms or personal touches like artist speeches and writings on the walls.

3. Change things up.

Allow the whole online experience to be as interesting as the gallery itself. Designing a special home page and entrance will entice the viewers to go further. Keep your website up to date around the time of your launch with information, knowledge, and interesting visuals to help the click-through rate of your gallery. You can check out our projects for inspiration and ideas.

4. Champion your artists.

You have picked special artists to feature in your gallery for a reason, so share this with your audience. You can do this by telling their story and the reason behind the art. If the artist has a great fan base, it could lead to potential exposure to your gallery too. Interact with your audience and see which artists they are most admiring.

We also recommend tagging (@) and hashtag usage (#) on your posts and social stories/highlights. That way, the artist/creator you have tagged will be able to see your mention and has the choice to share it with their followers.

5. Social media.

Before taking your creations to social media, you should plan the channels you want to use and the audience you want to attract. Also, plan your social media campaign as it will be easier to analyse when you know exactly what you want. This is different for everybody, so taking the time to dig into your own personal goals will be more beneficial for your results.

Although not a direct social media tool, Email Marketing is one of the most beneficial forms of marketing out there. Be sure to send a newsletter informing your engaged audience about the news of your virtual space. A huge benefit of newsletters is that you will be directing your audience straight to the gallery through a link.

Instagram is one of the most visually effective tools.

Using hashtags relevant to your work and reaching out to ideal customers will help your gallery gain great exposure. Sharing and tagging different artists and creators around the world is one of the main attributes of pushing your engagement higher and getting people interested.

Art galleries actively use this creative space to showcase their work in their own style. Social media is a great way to find your own branding and what suits you and your gallery best. Here are some art galleries that use their social media effectively…

Marketing Your Virtual Art

There are plenty of useful tips for getting your virtual art gallery out there and these are just a few. Most importantly, be bold and adventurous with your marketing ideas and stay persistent with your activity. Over time, you will learn what strategy works for you.


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