
Art Galleries Curate Exhibitions With Apollo

Emperia Apollo

There is a rapid rise in online galleries, this includes galleries that already have brick and mortar locations that are showing their collections online. Gallery owners even question why they should spend money renting physical space, seeing the ROI from their virtual exhibitions. The increased use of learning and artificial intelligence helps users navigate their way through artworks, enhancing the search and discovery experience for site users, and in turn, increasing the possibility of increased sales for galleries.

An App That Allows Art Galleries To Curate Their Own Exhibitions

Due to this growth, art galleries utilise virtual reality technology more now than ever before. Emperia has found ways to make a seamless experience for art galleries to curate virtual spaces online. This includes multiple options to suit personal branding. 

Apollo is a new software that allows you to curate and publish your own virtual exhibitions. Apollo’s feedback has gained rewarding feedback which opens up a revolution for galleries to reach new limits in the digital era.

Upload the images of your artwork. You can then choose the perfect framing (or keep it unframed), and drag-and-drop the artworks on the walls in your own virtual space with just a few clicks. Emperia takes steps such as custom lighting with the professional rendering system, so the final show will have a realistic look.

What Apollo Offers To Art Galleries

Apollo offers multiple benefits to art galleries looking to curate a virtual art gallery. Apollo provides the user full control, allowing them to decide from different framing and hanging options. The app is cost-effective, promising professional quality for a fraction of the price. The ease of use is notable for current users, including those with no technical experience, therefore making it a pleasure to use.

Emperia released template galleries so that galleries have the options to either display their artwork in our new preset virtual gallery templates or customise the space working with Emperia directly for a more branded atmosphere. The new templates are all possible within Apollo.

Galleries have already utilised the templates such as Darvish and Crean & Company…

To read more details about how Emperia’s Apollo can help you curate your very own virtual art gallery, tap here.

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